The Rage from the Frozen North

The Rage from the Frozen North

The first thing that followed the shake of the Guardians was fear and confusion. At the dawn of what came to be called, long after, the Day of Sin, six of the seven Guardians awoke with a halo in their eyes and tears of blood. Wizards and priests, those who were able to communicate with the Guardians, came in alarm to investigate the event. The answer was the same in all cases except in Feranthal where nothing happened that day. "Do not be afraid because now you are free, prepare yourselves because now you are alone" And without further clarification, the Guardians entered into a lethargy that lasts to this day.

The news, and with it the panic, hardened like wildfire and spread to the last corner of the earth. And of course to Feranthal, where in fear and relief they will vanish the only "alive" Guardian who will remain.

The humans, gathering their high council, hastened to send a group of experts to Feranthal to understand the cause of why their Guardian had not undergone any change. But in Feranthal they were not well received. Still in the midst of the disorder, access to the capital had been closed and different regiments were camped on the outskirts to try to maintain order and, above all, prevent any foreign detachment from gaining access to Ganosh.

The human entourage did not take that refusal very well. Lord Sebastian Hollenworth, Grand Master of the Arcane Circle and commander of the expedition, felt nothing short of humiliated by being prohibited from approaching what he expected "his creation". Gathering several magicians, they discussed breaking through with magic by bewitching the soldiers who were letting him in. They didn't notice anything at first, but as the group of magicians needed to channel more power to hold off the different approaching units, he realized that the magic reached them with difficulty and by no means in the amount they needed.

After a few minutes and more Feranthal soldiers joining the melee, Hollenworth realized he couldn't hold the spell much longer and called for his soldiers to hold a perimeter and defend the wizards when the spell wore off. Seeing the humans draw their weapons, a detachment of Rhino-Warriors mindlessly charged into the human camp just as the Grand Master's spell faded and half the human party was wiped out in the terrifying charge. By the end of the day barely a fifth of the humans had survived the battle.

And so the gunpowder of the conflict burned. The humans, under the pretext of the attack, sent more troops to the capital of Ferantahl to try to gain control of Ganosh, but their magic no longer worked well away from the Guardian and their troops were no match for the "naturally armed". by Feranthal. Human warriors and their heavy armor were less strong and generally clumsy compared to Rhino-Warriors endowed with much lighter natural armor. Centaurs were almost always able to outflank human troops and wreak havoc on weak light infantry.

Aware of their military inferiority and unable to take the capital, the humans were forced to sign peace and withdraw to their territory. They took advantage of this time of peace to investigate what had happened to their Guardian and to try to rebuild their weakened army. And so, some years later, in the remote and frozen mountains of the North, the recomposed Arcane Circle managed to create the first hybrid between a human and a Guardian; the Stormwolves.

Stormwolves must be created by fusing the human soul with a piece of the Guardian's stony body. With time and the care of priests and wizards, the Guardian can regenerate the extracted shards, but this takes time and the Stormwolves are not very numerous. In return, a Stormwolf possesses strength and agility unmatched by a normal human, being the elite of the human army since its inception and hardly surpassed by any other war unit as a whole

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